Phyllis Douglas, Corporate Card Administrator
Policy Statement
This program is designed to provide user-friendly purchasing and payment tools that allows the cardholder to make purchases of goods and services, and pay for travel, meals, and entertainment expenses. Cardholders are responsible for following all rules governing the use of the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Travel & Entertainment Visa Card (Corporate Card). This policy defines the circumstances under which an employee of the university may apply for and use the Corporate Card. The Corporate Card may not be used for personal purchases and expenses. An employee may only use the Corporate Card while employed by the university; once the employee is separated from the university, the Corporate Card will be cancelled.
Purpose and Scope
The Corporate Card is designed to provide efficient payment for university travel, entertainment, and meeting expenses. The card will be corporate liability and your transactions will be posted and approved online in the Concur site in Gibson On-Line. The charges are considered advances and timely submission of expense reports with complete documentation supporting the business purpose of the expense is required per this policy and the IRS Accountable Plan to clear this advance.
The Corporate Card is a privilege extended to those faculty and staff (excluding student employees) that must travel or entertain on behalf of the University. The Corporate Card cannot be used to purchase items that are not reimbursable business expenses or items applicable to the Purchase Card (P-Card). Please refer to Tulane’s policy regarding the Purchase Card for information regarding the P-Card. Fraudulent or intentional misuse of the card will result in disciplinary action including reimbursement of disallowed or undocumented expenses, card cancellation and possible termination of employment. Only reimbursable business or travel expenses can be charged to the Corporate Card. The University will conduct routine audits of a cardholder's transactions.
Cardholders must recognize that their Corporate Card could be unavailable for use for a multiple of reasons such as lost or stolen, closed due to fraudulent activity or security breach, etc. In the event of a decline, cardholders should contact JPMorgan Chase Cardmember Services for problem resolution. Cardholders must also be prepared to transact any business expenses personally and seek reimbursement until a replacement card can be provided.
Applicability of this Policy
This policy will apply to all members of the Tulane community.
Card Administrator (Program Administrator) - The university employee registered with the Card Provider as the only person authorized to make changes (e.g., add or cancel cards, change card controls, etc.) to the card program.
Cardholder - An individual who holds the university Corporate Card.
Employee - Faculty, staff, and others (including students) identified as an employee in the university’s Human Resource system.
Policy and Procedures
8.1 Applying for a Corporate Card
Application packets may be obtained by contacting the Corporate Card Administration at 314-2675 or 314-7364. Applicants must fill out an Application and a Cardholder Agreement and have their department administration approve their forms.
Department Heads are also required to complete a separate form to validate that an applicant does travel or entertain on behalf of the University and must also recommend a monthly credit limit for each applicant in their department. Applications and credit limits are subject to the approval of the Program Administrator.
All original completed application packets should be sent back to Corporate Card Administration, 8333 Maple Street.
Card applicants are required to have access and be able to process in the Accounts Payable Concur system prior to receiving a card.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Corporate Card Administration by calling Phyllis Douglas al 314-2675 or emailing or Yolanda Windsay at 314-7364 or emailing
8.2 Accounting Treatment of Monthly Activity
It is the cardholder's responsibility to review and reconcile the monthly activity of the transactions posted in the Accounts Payable Concur site to the Electronic Statement in the JPMorgan Chase website. The billing cycle ends on the 15th of each month.
T&E Cardholders must assign their card charges in Concur within 30 days of the charge. All transactions must be assigned to an expense report monthly. Current month's expense reports must be submitted in the month the charges apply to. Charges for future events are saved to Concur reports named with the period the expense applies to and submitted when that time has come. Non-compliance will result in loss of card privileges and other audit procedures.
Delegates cannot submit reports for cardholders, and it is the cardholder's responsibility to ensure timely submissions. Failure to observe deadlines will result in the suspension of the cardholder's account.
8.3 Authorized Corporate Card Use
Upon approval, the cardholder will receive a card with his/her name embossed on it and the card is to be used only by the cardholder. Card sharing (allowing others access to card) is prohibited. The cardholder may initiate transactions for their own expenses or on behalf of others with the exception of the Chair's or Department Head's business expenses. This is due to the prohibition against approving one's own expenses. The cardholder is required to sign the back of the card. The cardholder is bound by and subject to the terms and conditions of the Credit Card Agreement and is responsible for all charges on the card.
The Corporate Card may be used only for reimbursable University travel and entertainment expenses. Examples of typical Corporate Card uses are airplane tickets, hotel or rental car expenses, catering or food purchases for meeting expenses, restaurant bills, or facility or meeting room rentals incurred in connection with university business. Please note that spousal or companion expenses are not allowed even if reimbursement is intended. Personal means must be used for those expenses and not intermingled with business transactions.
8.4 Unauthorized Corporate Card Use
Transactions with certain types of merchants are blocked from use with the Corporate Card. These merchants operate businesses or provide services that may not be charged to the Corporate Card. The following is a list of categories of expenditures that are prohibited.
8.4.1 Prohibited Purchases
- Gift cards, gift certificates, and other cash or gift instruments
- Gifts of appreciation, honoraria, retirement, memorial or for any purpose to Tulane employee
- Office Supplies or computer and computer related equipment
- Capital equipment
- Clothing
- Consulting or personal services
- Fines, penalties, or similar fees including parking and moving violations
- Leases except rental cars provided prior approval is obtained
- Personal purchases including spousal or companion traveler expenses
- Recreational or social memberships or other related expenses
- Utilities except telecommunication devices provided prior approval is obtained
- Maintenance agreements
Expenses applicable to the University's P-Card must be processed on a P-Card within a travel and entertainment cardholder's dept and not on the Corporate Card.
8.4.2 Blocked Merchants
- Clothing/Retail Stores
- Personal Service Providers (Laundries, Barbers, Health Spa, etc.)
- Consultants & Professional Service Providers (Medical, Education, Accounting, etc.)
- Service Providers (Banks, Securities Firms, Insurance Companies, Campgrounds, etc.) and Utility Companies
- Various Miscellaneous Stores, including office supply and computer stores
8.5 Transactions
The cardholder should take reasonable steps to obtain the best pricing available at the time of purchase. Cardholders should utilize those companies that the University has worked with to provide University-wide discounted pricing. For information on preferred travel partners and providers, please visit the Tulane University Travel Portal at for a complete listing.
8.6 Cardholder Record Keeping and Retention
Each department should ensure that cardholders maintain adequate documentation for all transactions made with Corporate Cards. This documentation will be used to reconcile the purchases and credits and must be retained for a period of three years for non-grant expenses. Cardholders should contact Grants and Contracts Accounting or the Office of Research Administration for the retention period required for individual awards.
- When a purchase is made in person, the cardholder will retain the invoice and customer copy of the charge receipt. The cardholder is responsible for checking that the merchant lists the purchase details such as quantity and full descriptions of the item(s). This particularly applies to meals or catered events where specific items ordered must be listed and included with the charge receipt slip.
- When making a purchase via telephone, internet, or mail order, the cardholder must request that a receipt or confirmation of the order be provided directly to the cardholder.
- If a transaction is for catering or miscellaneous meeting expense, additional documentation listing the date, list of attendees, and the business purpose of the meeting is required. Approvals required by the University's policy on these expenses must be obtained prior to authorizing the charge and retained in the cardholder’s records.
- In the event of missing receipts or supporting documentation, cardholders must contact the merchant for a duplicate receipt or invoice. If the merchant is able to provide this, contact Card Administration for direction in obtaining the necessary specific approval for that transaction. It is possible that without documentation or a clear business purpose for the charge, reimbursement by the cardholder may be required.
- It is understood that incidental personal charges on hotel or restaurant bills may be paid using the Corporate Card. These amounts due the University must be deposited with the Bursar's Office Financial Services Department and attach copies of deposit form and check to the expense report Only these charges are excluded from the personal use prohibition. Out of pocket expenses not paid on the Corporate Card are to be included in the expense report for reimbursement. These items are not to be combined for a net amount due to or from the University.
8.7 Disputes
Cardholders by contract are required to contact merchants directly regarding the disputes or potentially disputed transaction. Usually this resolves any question. If the card has been used without authorization, this is fraud, not a dispute, and the account must be closed. Before submitting a dispute, cardholder must contact Corporate Card Administration with details. Disputes filed without this prior notice will be undone.
If the cardholder is unable to resolve the situation, the transaction must be disputed within 60 days of the date of the charge. This dispute should occur only after a diligent attempt has been made to correct the discrepancy and the merchant has failed to respond.
8.8 Audit Procedures
The University's Office of Internal Audits will perform routine reviews of Corporate Card transactions. Such audits will be designed to verify that card transactions are authorized and appropriate, to verify that required documentation has been properly accumulated, approved, and filed, and that no fraudulent or personal use of the card has occurred.
In the event of an audit finding, any of the following actions, depending on the severity of the finding, may be taken by the University:
- Warning letter issued to cardholder and Dean or Department Head
- Card is suspended for up to 3 months
- Card use terminated
- Reimbursement
- Sanction or termination of employment
If termination is warranted, a cardholder's supervisor will make a recommendation to the University's Office of Human Resources (HR), HR would hear any appeals for staff and the Provost or appropriate Senior Vice President would hear and decide any appeal for faculty.
8.9 Corporate Card Security
Immediately upon receipt of a Corporate Card, the card holder must sign the back of the card. It is the cardholder's responsibility to safeguard the Corporate Card and account number. Cardholders must not allow anyone to use his/her card or account number. If a Corporate Card is lost or stolen, the cardholder shall immediately notify JP Morgan Chase at 1-800-270-7760 as well as advise the Program Administrator at 314-2675 or 314-7364.
A new Corporate Card will be issued promptly to the cardholder after the reported loss or theft. A card that is subsequently found by the cardholder after being reported lost or stolen must be cut in half and forwarded to the Program Administrator.
8.10 Returning the Corporate Card
In the event of transfer or termination, cardholders are required to return their JP Morgan Chase Corporate Card to either the Program Administrator at the Uptown Purchasing Department, Maple Street, or their department head. Accordingly, departments are responsible for the timely notification for the cancellation of cards for any transferred or terminated cardholders. This notice must be provided within two business days of the termination date. Cardholders should cancel any recurring transactions that post to their account.
Consequence of Violating the Policy
Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. For consequences of violating the policy refer to the Faculty and Staff handbooks found at