Policy On Policies

Policy on Policy in its entirety.

Policy Proposal Template - Template to use when proposing a new policy.

Policy Checklist - Items to consider while developing your policy proposal.

Administrative Policy Template - Serves as the official record of a university policy as it is presented in this standard format to facilitate consistency, clarity, and conciseness. 

Policy Statement

Tulane University formally approves, issues, and maintains in a consistent format, university administrative policies in a central policy library. Individuals engaged in developing and maintaining university administrative policies must follow the requirements outlined in this policy for drafting, approving, revising, and withdrawing university administrative policies. 

This applies only to administrative policies that affect the university community as a whole; policies that are specific to certain members of the community, for example, facutly or students, are covered under the faculty or student handbook, respectively.

Reason for Policy

University administrative policies must be thoroughly reviewed, maintained, and made available to the university community to promote consistency in governance, practicality, compliance, and accountability.

Departments and Individuals Affected by Policy

All schools, departments, units and employees of the university. Individuals considering issuing, revising, or assisting in the development of a Tulane University policy


Direct any questions to PolicyOffice@tulane.edu.