Authorized Driver



Responsible Executive(s) (RE)
Responsible Office(s)
Contact Information (email and phone)
Date Proposed
Effective Date

Permanent or Temporary

Policy Statement

Tulane University considers the safety of its employees and students among its highest priorities. The university maintains a list of approved drivers, each of whom must successfully complete a university administered or approved safe driving course(s). This list includes all university employees and contractors’ employees who drive university owned, leased, or loaned vehicles or other vehicles (personal or rental) for university business.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to set forth requirements applicable to all Tulane University (TU) employees and students who drive licensed vehicles to/from travel to activities or events that are wholly or partially funded by TU or otherwise travel on TU Business, and is intended to safeguard people, protect property, and reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, both on and off campus.

Applicability of this Policy

This policy applies to all TU employees and students to whom TU has granted the privilege of operating the following types of licensed vehicles (“TU vehicle” or “TU vehicles”) to conduct TU Business (“Authorized Driver” or “Authorized Drivers”):

  • Vehicles owned by TU; 
  • Vehicles leased by TU;
  • Vehicles loaned to TU to a specific department for a specific reason; and 
  • All golf carts and all- terrain vehicles ( ATV licensed for road use.

Volunteers, contractors, and individuals not employed by TU are not permitted to drive TU vehicles. 

Sections of this policy also apply to all TU employees and students who use the following types of licensed vehicles to conduct TU business: 

  • Rental vehicles; and/ or
  • Personally owned vehicles when TU reimburses for gas milage incurred for TU Business Travel

TU is not responsible for personal items in any vehicle used for TU Business. 


Authorized Driver – A person has gone through the application process, submitted all the correct documentation, received any required training and has been granted approval from Tulane University’s Office of Enterprise Risk Services.

University business or TU business - Any driving of university-owned, leased, or loaned vehicles, personal vehicles, or rental vehicles to conduct business on behalf of Tulane University. Examples may include, but are not limited to, trips to purchase supplies, to pick up a candidate from the airport to a conference, or for a field trip.

University vehicle or TU vehicle - Vehicles owned, leased, or rented by Tulane University to conduct university business.

Policy and Procedures

8.1 List of Authorized Drivers

The Office of Enterprise Risk Services (OERS) shall be responsible for maintaining a current and accurate list of all Authorized Drivers and shall send updated lists to designated department representatives as often as deemed appropriate. An employee must be an Authorized Driver in order to operate a TU vehicle. A student must be an Authorized Driver in order to operate either a TU vehicle or a rental vehicle on TU Business.

8.2 University Vehicles

In order to be granted the privilege of operating a TU vehicle and to become an Authorized Driver, the following criteria must first be met:

8.2.1 All Prospective Drivers

A prospective driver must have a valid and unrestricted (not including corrective lens needs) U.S. driver’s license for at least two (2) years. Prospective drivers with an out-of-country driver’s license may transfer to a Louisiana driver’s license by following the procedures specified by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety, Office of Motor Vehicles (Go to → FAQs→ Driver’s License→How do I transfer my out-of-country driver’s license? or call 1-225- 925-6146). An appeals process will occur through the Office of Enterprise Risk Services as necessary on a case-by-case basis for the denial of any international driver’s license. A prospective driver shall authorize TU to obtain an annual Motor Vehicle Registry report (MVR) from the issuing state of the driver’s operating license and shall complete and sign a Motor Vehicle Report Consent and Information Form included in Appendix I (“MVR Consent Form”), which shall be submitted to OERS. The cost for obtaining an MVR will be borne by the applicable department in which the prospective driver is employed/to be employed. TUs automobile liability insurance company reserves the right to conduct random MVR checks on any Authorized Driver. If deemed necessary, an MVR may be obtained more than once per year if deemed necessary by OERS. If the MVR is approved, OERS will notify the prospective driver via WaveSync or email to proceed with the on-line training. 

  • The on-line training course will be assigned annually to Authorized Student Drivers for each academic year or at the time of the MVR renewal.
  • A prospective driver must satisfactorily complete an online driver safety course as assigned by TU.
  • A department, at its discretion, may require additional criteria for employees or students to become an Authorized Driver.

Each prospective driver must report on the MVR Consent Form any and all moving traffic violations for which a citation was issued and paid and/or for which a conviction was rendered, as outlined on the MVR Consent Form, even if such violation will not be reported on such driver’s MVR, in addition to any and all accidents and/or events which may or may not have resulted in a citation. Drivers shall also be responsible for reporting to OERS any violations or at fault-accidents that occur after an MVR check is performed and that could possibly result in disqualification of Authorized Driver status.

8.2.2 Employee Drivers

In determining whether an MVR or individual driving record, including self-disclosed incidents, is acceptable (regardless of whether the MVR is obtained by TU or its automobile liability carrier), the following criteria will be used:

  • No major violations within the last 5 years (major violations include, but are not limited to, DWI, DUI, vehicular or negligent homicide, reckless driving, hit and run, use of motor vehicle while committing a felony, eluding a police officer, drag racing, and driving while license suspended).
  • No more than 2 of any combination of at-fault accidents or moving violations within the last 3 years. (Note: A moving violation issued as the result of an at-fault accident will not be considered as a separate occurrence.)
  • No more than two camera tickets within the last 3 years. (Note: However, egregious infractions: speeding in a school zone, blatant disregard for a red light, or 11 MPH or more over posted speed limit will result in disciplinary action per HR policy. 

                       o A contested camera ticket that is overturned will not go on driver record. 

                       o Driver is responsible for paying the camera ticket.

  • Accidents self-reported or incidents that have occurred as a self-disclosed ticket, such as camera or private property events.

Any deviation from the above-stated criteria must be addressed in accordance with this policy.

MVR checks will be conducted on new hires/job applicants whose job would require them to drive a TU vehicle and/or to carry a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL license). An employee who is required to drive a TU vehicle as part of his/her official job duties and who no longer meets the criteria to be an Authorized Driver may be given alternative duties for which he/she is qualified or may be terminated. The decision is in the sole discretion of TU and its designees.

8.2.3 Student Drivers

In addition to the criteria set forth in Section 8.2.1, All Prospective Drivers, prospective student drivers must meet the following additional criteria in order to be granted the privilege of driving a TU vehicle and to become an Authorized Driver:

  • All prospective student drivers must sign the Safety Rules and Use Restrictions Acknowledgement Form once per academic year, via WaveSync.
  • Depending upon the type of vehicle sought to be driven and the desired destination, student drivers must meet the following minimum driving experience requirements (determined from the date of license issuance, excluding permit years):

    o For use of TU minivans, SUVs and passenger vehicles under -12 passengers, all drivers must have had an issued valid US drivers’ license for at least two (2) years.

    o For use of TU vehicles over 12- passengers or vehicles used to tow a trailer or other equipment, all drivers must follow the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Unless confirmed as a qualified driver by DOT and have a driver qualification file with TU, students are not permitted to drive over 12 passenger vehicles.

    o Eco shuttles will be exempt from the passenger limit of 12 passengers for student drivers.

In determining whether an MVR or individual driving record, including self-disclosed incidents, is acceptable (regardless of whether the MVR is obtained by TU or its automobile liability carrier), the following criteria will be used:

  • No major violations within the last 5 years (major violations include, but are not limited to, DWI, DUI, vehicular or negligent homicide, reckless driving, hit and run, use of motor vehicle while committing a felony, eluding a police officer, drag racing, and driving while license suspended).
  • No at-fault accident(s) in driving history.
  • No speeding violations of 20 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit in the last five (5) years.
  • No more than 1 moving violation (other than the speeding violation of 20 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit referenced in the above) in the last five (5) years; including the GPS tracking system for speeding violations through the motor pool.
  • No more than 2 camera tickets within the last 3 years.

          o A contested camera ticket that is overturned will not go on driver record.

          o Driver is responsible for paying the camera ticket.

8.2.4 University-Assigned/Take-Home Vehicles (including emergency and law enforcement vehicles)

Certain TU employees may be assigned exclusive use of a TU vehicle for conducting TU Business or for travel to and from work (“take-home vehicle”). Unless specified in an employee’s job description or employment contract, or unless specific written authorization is otherwise granted, personal use of a take-home vehicle is not permitted. A driver of a take-home vehicle, if injured when not in the course and scope of employment (as defined under Louisiana law), will not be covered by workers’ compensation. Additionally, if a driver is injured due to the fault of the driver of another vehicle, TU may not provide uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) coverage in the event the other driver is uninsured or underinsured. Drivers of take-home vehicles should check with their personal insurance agent about purchasing UM coverage.

Any person other than the employee to which the take-home vehicle is assigned, including but not limited to a spouse, child, student, other relative or friend, is prohibited from driving a take-home vehicle. The employee is responsible for safely storing and maintaining the security of the take- home vehicle when not in the scope of employment. No other person, with the exception of the employee, will be allowed in the TU take home vehicle unless approved in writing by the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

Before TU will assign a take-home vehicle, including emergency vehicles, approval criteria may be more stringent than other types of TU vehicles. Additional training for drivers of those specific vehicles may be required.

8.3 Rental Vehicles

8.3.1 All Prospective Drivers

The following requirements apply to employees and/or students (students must be Authorized Drivers) who rent vehicles for university business:

8.3.1.i Local Rentals:

All local rentals for TU Business must be obtained from a TU preferred rental provider as indicated on the Travel Management website located at,; which includes rental instructions and contract identification numbers. Questions should be directed to The Travel Management office. If a preferred provider is not available, the Authorized Driver must obtain approval in writing prior to the rental and confirm reasonable rates are available.

Drivers must either confirm that the preferred provider rental rates include supplemental liability protection (SLP) and collision/loss damage waiver coverage (CDW/LDW) or purchase at least the minimum limits of SLP and CDW/LDW (with no deductible) coverage available.

8.3.1.ii All Rentals:

Any rental over 12 passenger vans must follow DOT regulations.

Rental of fifteen-passenger vans is strictly prohibited.

Rental of motorcycles and/or scooters is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized by a department or school upon a showing that a vehicle is not available in the area.

An Authorized Driver should never allow an Unauthorized Driver to operate a rental vehicle as such action could void the agreement with the rental agency and some or all of the insurance coverages that may apply.

TU reserves the right to run an MVR for anyone who may rent a vehicle on behalf of TU and/or if any employee or student was involved in a rental accident.

8.3.1.iii. International Rentals:

Renting vehicles in foreign countries requires special insurance to conform with local laws. The insurance offered by the rental company for liability and physical damage must be purchased. However, before renting a vehicle in a foreign country, consult with The Travel Management Office; Agreements with preferred rental providers may include special rates and terms for rentals in certain international countries. Contact the Travel Management Office for details. 

8.3.2 Employee Drivers

In addition to the information set forth in Section 8.3.1, All Prospective Drivers, the following requirements apply to employees who rent vehicles for university business:

8.3.2.i Out-of-town Rentals:

If a preferred rental provider is located in the area of travel, it is strongly recommended that all drivers renting vehicles domestically to conduct TU Business obtain the rental vehicle from those companies, as the negotiated rates and terms (including insurance) noted above apply nationwide (see above for reservation information on the Travel Management website).

If the driver rents from an agency that is not a preferred rental provider, at least the minimum limits defined of SLP and CDW/LDW (with no deductible) coverage available must be purchased.

8.3.3 Student Drivers

The following additional requirements apply to students who rent vehicles for TU Business:

  • The student must be an Authorized Driver and adhere to the Safety Guidelines.
  • Unless specifically authorized by a TU school or department, with written documentation, all rentals must be arranged with a TU preferred rental provider, which may impose limitations and restrictions on origination of travel and states wherein travel is permitted. Contact the Travel Management Office for details. Authorized Drivers must either confirm that the rental rates include supplemental liability protection (SLP) and collision/loss damage waiver coverage (CDW/LDW) or purchase at least the minimum limits of SLP and CDW/LDW (with no deductible) coverage available. 
  • Rental of over 12--passenger vans is strictly prohibited per TU policy.
  • The student driver is at least age 21 years of age, unless specifically approved by OERS and unless all requirements set forth by the rental agency are met. In requesting approval for a student between the ages of 18-20 to rent a vehicle, the following information must be provided to OERS:

           o The nature of the proposed trip, destination, anticipated dates and times of travel, and the name of the organization (if applicable).

           o The approximate number of passengers.

           o The reason(s) that a driver aged 21 or older will not be available for the proposed trip.

8.4 Personally Owned Vehicles

8.4.1 All Drivers

Any employee or student who drives a personally owned vehicle on university business is responsible for his or her own safety as well as the safety of any passengers. TU bears no responsibility for the operation or operating condition of personally owned vehicles and expects drivers of personally owned vehicles to comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws. TU is not responsible for personal property within the personally owned vehicle driven for TU Business.

The owner of a personally owned vehicle used for TU Business must carry at least the minimum automobile liability limits required by state law where the vehicle is registered. The owner’s automobile liability coverage shall be the primary insurance coverage. The owner of the personally owned vehicle is responsible for any applicable deductible (e.g., liability or collision coverage) and is responsible for any increased personal automobile insurance premium as a result of any accident(s). There is no physical damage coverage through TU for personally owned vehicles. There is no excess auto liability coverage under TU’s insurance policy for the student’s auto liability when using their personally owned vehicles, except when approved for TU Business. 

Claims arising from use of a personal vehicle are to be reported to the owner’s insurance agent. In the event of a serious or potentially serious accident, OERS must also be notified. Any TU property lost or stolen from the personally owned vehicle must be reported to TUPD. The Authorized Driver shall be responsible for any TU property stolen when safety measures have not been taken.

8.4.2 Employee Drivers

Employees are strongly discouraged from transporting students in personally owned vehicles for TU Business. When possible, transportation should be arranged through the Department of Shuttles & Transportation or students should be encouraged to transport themselves.

8.4.3 Student Drivers

If a student will drive a personally owned vehicle for TU Business, it is strongly recommended the following prerequisites are met:

  • A faculty member or student organization advisor confirms no TU vehicles are available for the proposed travel, and renting a vehicle or vehicles is not feasible for the proposed travel.
  • A faculty member or student organization advisor reserves the right to require a student to be an Authorized Driver.

8.5 Safety and Use Guidelines

The following safety and use guidelines apply to drivers of any vehicle operated for TU Business, although certain vehicles (e.g., ambulances, police vehicles) may be exempt from one or more of the guidelines or may have more restrictive guidelines as deemed appropriate or as otherwise authorized by TU:

Drivers must abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and statutes governing motor vehicle operation, including La. R.S. 32.300.5, which prohibits drivers from writing, reading or sending text-based communications while operating a vehicle.

Drivers should not use cell phones while the vehicle is in motion. Drivers should pull the vehicle over if it is necessary to take or make a cell phone call.

Applicable to TU vehicles only: Drivers are allowed to drive TU vehicles only for authorized TU Business and under no circumstances will a TU vehicle be used for personal business, except as otherwise provided in Section IV. d. above for take-home vehicles.

All vehicle occupants are required to wear seat belts while the vehicle is in motion. The vehicle must not be operated unless all passengers are properly belted.

At no time shall the number of occupants exceed the maximum capacity of the vehicle.

The speed limit and all state and federal traffic laws shall be obeyed at all times (except as may be permissible for police and emergency vehicles). Drivers should refrain from alcohol consumption for at least 12 hours before driving. Driver should take prescription and over-the counter medication only as prescribed or recommended and should heed all warnings with respect to driving or operation of machinery.

The use of illicit drugs by a driver or any other vehicle occupant is strictly prohibited at all times.

Drivers should not eat or drink while the vehicle is in motion.

No employee driver shall be permitted to drive more than 500 miles in a 12-hour period and there shall be a separate driver for every 500 miles to be driven in a 12-hour period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee driver shall drive more than 10 hours in a 24-hour period.

No student driver shall be permitted to drive more than 275 miles in a 12-hour period and there shall be a separate driver for every 275 miles to be driven in a 12-hour period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no student driver shall drive more than 8 hours in a 24-hour period.

Unless otherwise required as part of a driver’s employment, only 2 hours of cumulative driving will be permitted between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., regardless of the number of drivers in the vehicle, except for field studies which require more than 2 cumulative hours of research during this time period. A faculty member must approve a student’s use of a vehicle for field studies which require more than 2 cumulative hours of driving between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. and shall endeavor to ensure that the student has had adequate rest before using a vehicle during this time period.

No towing is allowed unless the vehicle is a truck specifically set up with towing capabilities.

Absolutely no cargo or equipment shall be permitted to be carried or stored upon the roof of any vehicle.

In all vans, passengers shall be loaded to the front of the vehicle first.

When loading a van with cargo, weight should be distributed evenly side-to-side and front to back.

Drivers shall at all times be well-rested and focused on driving duties. No loud music or other driver distractions is permitted.

Only TU-affiliated passengers (i.e., TU employees, students and registered volunteers) will be permitted to be transported in any vehicle, unless otherwise specifically approved by a department head (for employee drivers) and unless otherwise specifically approved by a department head or faculty member (for student drivers who are not student employees).

No vehicle shall be permitted to be driven off-road, except as may be required to reach study sites or as may be required to access TU property.

Drivers should always turn the vehicle off, remove the keys, and lock the vehicle when it is unattended.

Drivers shall at all times during operation of a vehicle have a valid driver’s license on their person.

8.6 Accidents, Breakdowns, and/or Traffic Violations

In the event of an accident while driving a vehicle for TU Business, drivers should follow these instructions:

Take whatever steps are immediately necessary to render emergency medical care, salvage property, or reduce the further extent of the loss. If possible, do not disturb the evidence or hazard which caused the incident until the conditions are recorded.

For on campus accidents report to Tulane University Police Department (TUPD) at 504-865-5911 (Uptown District) or 504-988-5555 (Downtown District) as soon as you can get to a phone. TUPD will contact OERS for reporting to the insurance carrier as applicable.

For off campus accidents report the accident at once to the local police department or highway patrol. Get the police item or report number, the police officer's name, badge number, and department. If the information provided at the scene does not have a telephone number, get a number where the police department can be called.

Do not admit liability under any circumstances. In the stress of the moment, something might be said that can be incorrectly construed as admission of fault for an accident that might have been caused by another driver. Be courteous, be helpful, give aid as needed, but stop there.

Complete the Tulane Driver Accident Report Form included in Appendix II (a copy should be kept in the glove compartment of all TU vehicles) with all of the information while at the scene. Specify as many facts (not opinions) as you can that will help determine who was at fault. Note any objects that may have impaired your vision.

Do not leave the scene without requesting the name, address, phone number and insurance company of other drivers involved. This form must be submitted to OERS as soon as possible.

Get written driver and witness statements where possible. If you have a camera or a camera cell phone with you, take some pictures. The police may not take pictures and it will be beneficial to all parties involved if the accident scene and damages are documented.

Report the accident to your supervisor immediately. The supervisor is responsible for reporting the accident to OERS (504-865-5653) as soon as possible.

The supervisor will be responsible for notifying the local towing company but are not obligated to use NAC if the rates are higher. It is the responsibility of the applicable department to get a TU vehicle to a repair shop; if a repair shop has been designated by a claims administrator, the applicable department shall take the TU vehicle to such designated repair shop.

Do not speak to any third-party insurers or attorneys, as they should be referred to OERS.

8.6.1 Breakdowns (university vehicles only)

If roadside assistance is needed, TU has an agreement with National Automobile Club (NAC) to provide roadside assistance for all TU vehicles. NAC’s Fleet Rescue Program is available 24 hours a day- every day for the following services:

  • Towing 
  • Jump starts
  • Tire Change 
  • Lockouts 
  • Fuel and water delivery 
  • Mechanical first aid 

Instructions cards should be located in the glove box of each TU vehicle that will include NAC’s toll-free number (1-800-328-7272) and Tulane’s NAC account number (8500219).

TU is not responsible for personal cost or inconvenience that may occur because of a vehicular breakdown. The applicable department will be responsible for arranging the repair and/or return of the vehicle.

8.6.2 Traffic Violations

Drivers shall personally assume responsibility for any and all fines, penalties or traffic violations associated with use of any TU vehicle or issued while the driver is conducting TU Business. Any traffic violation incurred while driving a TU vehicle must be reported to OERS (504-865-5653).

8.7 Loss of Driving Privileges

The following offenses may result temporary suspension or permanent revocation of Authorized Driver status, as determined by OERS. Departments may enforce more stringent guidelines when determining loss of driving privileges.

Operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver’s license and/or failure to report suspension or revocation of a driver’s licenses to OERS.

Operating a vehicle in a reckless or unsafe manner (including but not limited to reports of excessive speed), as determined by OERS and/or senior TU officials.

Failure to divulge an accident or moving violation on an MVR Consent Form and failure to report subsequent accidents or moving violations after receiving approval to be an Authorized Driver.

Failure to report an accident which occurred or moving violation issued while driving a TU vehicle to TUPD or OERS.

Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (including illegally obtained prescription drugs).

An accident with a pedestrian or cyclist in which the driver is deemed to be at-fault.

An unacceptable MVR as determined in accordance with the criteria set forth in the TU policy.

Excessive speeding or frequent speeding violations.

Speeding sanctions issued for violating the criteria set forth by the motor pool guidelines.

Accidents in which the driver is deemed to be at fault.

Any other factors as may be deemed applicable by OERS and/or senior TU officials.

Consequence of Violating the Policy

Failure to meet the conditions of this policy may result in revocation of driving privileges, reassignment to a non-driving position, as well as disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Deans, Directors, and Department Heads are responsible for disseminating this policy to drivers under their purview and for ensuring compliance with this policy

When a deviation from this policy is deemed warranted (e.g., registered volunteer to become an Authorized Driver), a submission to OERS will be required setting forth the justification for the proposed deviation, which submission must be approved by OERS and/or senior TU officials.

Appendix I

Download the Motor Vehicle Report Consent and Information Form Here

Appendix II

Download the Tulane Driver Accident Report Form Here

Appendix III

Download the Disclosure of Intent to Procure Consumer Reports Here