Chartering Ground Transportation



Chartering Ground Transportation
Responsible Executive(s) (RE)
Responsible Office(s)
Contact Information (email and phone)

Brian Lowe

Date Proposed
Effective Date

Permanent or Temporary

Policy Statement

Tulane University, in furtherance of its mission as an institution of higher education, provides a number of educational/instructional experiences and opportunities which involve group travel and/or require ground transportation services. When chartering any ground transportation services, it is mandatory that faculty and staff of all University schools, departments, units, and/or organizations follow the measures outlined in this Policy, in order to support safe, efficient and cost-effective transportation services for the University Community and reduce potential liability to the University and themselves.

Purpose and Scope

This policy is to ensure ground transportation as outlined is worked through the Shuttles & Transportation Office. If possible, the transportation request will be serviced “in house” using Tulane University assets. If outsourced, the requesting department will work with an approved transportation provider that meets the university’s insurance requirements and has a contract on file with the university.

Applicability of this Policy

This Policy applies to any University school, department, unit, and/or organization (hereinafter “requestor”) that desires to charter ground transportation services, whether for an off-campus or an on-campus event.

For this Policy to apply, the ground transportation must:

  • Relate to a University-sponsored or sanctioned activity or event, including but not limited to student organization and summer camp activities, undergraduate or graduate courses or practicums, including but not limited to mandatory and non-mandatory field trips. 
  • Originate within the greater New Orleans region (hereinafter “University business”). If the ground transportation services originate outside of the greater New Orleans region, this Policy shall not apply.
  • If you are uncertain whether this Policy applies to a particular activity or event, contact the Shuttles & Transportation Manager at 504.314.7433 or email


Pre-Approved Transportation Provider-Transportation company that has a fully executed Master Services agreement on file through the Shuttles & Transportation and Materials Management department.

Trip Logistics-details of the requested trip such as pick up time, pick up location, drop off location, number of passengers, day of trip contact, and departmental billing account number.

Chaperone Training-Conducted by the Shuttles & Transportation Safety Manager when a Tulane student is listed as the trip contact and there are minors being transported. Training is to ensure the Chaperone understands their role and responsibilities as it pertains to the passengers being transported.

Chartering Department-Any Tulane department that submits a transportation request that meets the guidelines of this policy.

Policy and Procedures

8.1 Procedure for Arranging Group Transportation

No less than five business days in advance of the transportation date, a Transportation Request Form must be submitted online through the Shuttles & Transportation Department website at Once inputted into, Shuttles & Transportation management will review the request and make the decision if the trip can be accommodated in house using Tulane equipment and staff. It is solely within the discretion of the Shuttles & Transportation management to determine whether to i) use its own equipment and staff or ii) delegate authority to the requestor to arrange for transportation services directly with approved transportation provider. Contact information for approved transportation providers can be found at the bottom of this page. Departments must receive written approval from Shuttles & Transportation management if inputting trip requests into has been waived. This step will only be waived if the requestor and Shuttles & Transportation manager(s) have met to discuss the trip and no further review by the Shuttles & Transportation manager(s) is needed to determine the trip will need to be outsourced to an approved transportation provider.

8.2 Transportation Provided In-House vs Outsourced

If approved to be accommodated in house, an email will be sent to the requestor outlining trip logistics including cost to chartering department. Multiple follow up auto generated emails will be sent to the requestor up to the day of trip. Department 6-digit account number submitted will be debited the first week of the following month via a TAMS accounting download and will show on departments budget statement.

If denied being accommodated in house, an email will be sent to the requestor listing contact information for approved transportation provider to use. At this point, Shuttles & Transportation has no further role with the trip request unless requesting department asks Shuttles & Transportation to assist with reviewing the logistics of trip. The requesting department will work directly with the outsourced transportation provider they select to include:

  1. Contacting approved transportation provider to obtain quote.
  2. Reviewing trip logistics on quote for accuracy
  3. Requesting and signing contract to book trip (cancellation policies apply).
  4. Ensuring contact information is exchanged pertaining to the day of trip contact.
  5. Payment of invoice.

8.3 Transportation Services Providers Not on University Approved List

No University school/department/unit/organization shall be permitted to charter ground transportation with any service provider not on the list of pre-approved transportation providers when travel is for University business, except as otherwise set forth below. Periodic audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with this Policy. The Shuttles & Transportation Department will make every effort to have an adequate number of pre-approved transportation providers to meet the needs of the University community. In the event that no pre-approved transportation provider can provide the requested transportation, and circumstances require consideration of a non-approved transportation provider, the following process will be observed:

  1. The Shuttles & Transportation Department will coordinate with the requestor to identify possible alternative options.
  2. The requestor may independently contact alternative transportation providers.
  3. The Shuttles & Transportation Department will provide both the requestor and any identified alternative transportation providers with the following information: 

    a. Tulane’s insurance requirements for transportation providers 

    b. Tulane’s Transportation Services Agreement

  4. Upon receipt of an executed Transportation Services Agreement and a valid certificate of insurance, the Shuttles & Transportation Department will issue a onetime approval waiver for the transportation provider.
  5. No transportation provider will be permitted to provide transportation under this Policy unless the Tulane insurance requirements are met, and the Transportation Services Agreement is executed.
  6. Transportation chartered through Shuttles & Transportation is available to non-affiliates only if the passengers are part of a Tulane sanctioned or sponsored event. The sponsoring department must have a department representative on the van or bus with the visiting group. Shuttles & Transportation will pick up this representative at the requested location before picking up the visiting group. The department representative instructs the driver when to leave the pick-up location and proceed to the drop-off location. Please include the department representative contact information in the Notes section on the transportation request form found at If the departmental representative is a student, undergrad or graduate, Chaperone training must be taken with the Shuttles & Transportation Safety Manager.

A department representative is not required to ride the van or bus if transportation begins and ends on the uptown campus.

An outside group renting space on campus for an event that is not a Tulane-sponsored event is not eligible for transportation through Shuttles & Transportation.

Any questions pertaining to this policy can be emailed to 

Consequence of Violating the Policy

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination and/or criminal prosecution.